You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

Albert Einstein

Feed Me!

— Our Work Featured in Feed Me! — Our Work Featured in Feed Me!


Thank you RHED Publishers for sending us a copy of Feed Me! all the way from Singapore, and featuring our branding project Shortcakes!

You know that you have a good design book in your hands when you see beauty in every page. Feed Me! Packs the best of food branding projects in recent years, featuring 136 projects from five continents, in a beautifully designed and crafted book.

RHED Publishers is an international publishing house located in Singapore which specializes in creating and publishing a wide range of architecture and interior design books. With highly comprehensive contents and graphic illustrations, their books aim to improve the quality of architecture and design through additional insights and references around technical specifications, social & culture, and urban representations.